"Fight is won or lost far away from witness. Long before I dance under those lights." Mohammad Ali
Every achiever knows what legendary boxer Mohammad Ali said once," Fight is won or lost far away from witness. Long before I dance under those lights." For every glamorous 45 seconds that a rider spends inside that jumping arena, there are years and years of non glamorous hours spent on riding, infinite wet blankets, falling, learning, getting shattered and then standing up again, mounting back on the horse to resume. When every thing in the world says that it is foolish to even think about it, there is just one person, if you are lucky, who stands by you and whispers, “ Try one more time, don’t give up.” In case of the India's Eventing silver medalist, this person happens to be his father, Dr Hasnain Mirza. Of course, the feeling of having seen your imagination taking shape of reality more than compensates all that hardship, but still, those years are tough and testing.
Dr Hasnain Mirza, a veterinary doctor, son of Major Mohammad Mirza an officer in the 61st Cavalry who also commanded the President’s Body Guard, and an avid polo player and rider himself, learned riding even before he could walk. With horses in his blood and being a National level sportsman himself, it didn't take him long to figure that Fouaad has what it takes to make it to the Top of the world. The same experience also made him aware of the uphill task that was ahead of him if he decides to follow that dream. Well, Mirzas are not known for giving up on their dreams easily, and Hasnain is nothing if he is not a true Mirza to the core.
Fouaad Mirza in The Making
From there started a journey of making all the necessary guidance, horses, coaches, equipments etc available for Fouaad. Of course, when you are looking for International Arena, all these have to be the top of the league as well. As he is one of the most respected and busy veterinary doctor of the world he had access to all the latest equine news from across the globe. But as they say," To know what to do next is just half the thing, to have resources that can allow you to is the second half." This is when the nature re established his faith in old saying
" Opportunity dances with those who are already on dance floor"
Talent Meets Support - Jeetu Virwani
Mr Jeetu Virwani who owns Embassy Riding Club and has sponsored Indian team's coaching and participation, recognised the flame in Fouaad early and offered to sponsor his entire training. In Hasain's words," Jeetu is absolutely like a ROCK behind riders and I know no one else who has ever backed an Equestrian Team with funds and encouragement like he has."
This was the time when cast for the present Silver Medal for our country was set. Talent finally got in touch with resources. Journey further was not easy by any standard, but the momentum was allowing them to dream more optimistically than ever before.
As Fouaad is under the spot light enjoying undivided attention of entire country, one can often notice Hasnain and Jeetu exchanging happy and satisfied looks, smiling to each other. A smile holding many GB of emotional data exchange between these two visionary dreamers.