Also see - Whose Line is It Any Way , Polo Rules,
Polo has never been an easy game. Played by life sitting on another life is in itself complicated enough to make it way out of reach for people with limited IQ and compromised situational awareness. That not being all, there is a long list of lesser complications involved that most of the players are well aware of. Adding on to this long list , now we have another variable in the equation. This wild card entry here happens to be the "Different interpretation of the polo rules" by umpires, referee and players alike.
Initially it appeared to be a local issue due to non availability of well trained and full time professional umpires. Which, any which way, is a must for any recognised discipline. (Exposure to entirely different ways of Argentine and English professional umpires always refuted the belief though)
But lately one of the top players of the world confirmed that it is not a local issue at all. Rather, it persists across the globe and players of all levels are struggling with same confusion and ambiguity. The player who broke his silence on the subject is none other than legendary ten goaler Memo Gracida, who has kept his 10 goal performance for more

than 21 years. Memo has recently expressed his concern over the prevailing ambiguity regarding different interpretation of polo rules. As per him, the conduct of game is so different at different centres that it is almost impossible to have a singular way of playing correct polo. When Memo said this, he was referring to various polo centres in USA. How ever, the situation in rest of the world is not very different either. Dr Eduardo Amaya , an ex six goal polo player, a veterinary doctor and a polo coach of international repute shares the same view. He said," I agree with Memo. Polo is coming to ruin as the new generation is playing ego polo. Stopping the ball, delaying the game and making it dangerous in the bargain."
When one of the best players of the world is finding it confusing, there is hardly any ray of hope left for armatures and beginners. As a matter of fact the entire polo fraternity should be thankful to Memo Gracida for coming ahead and speaking up on their behalf.
With a game like polo, which is more of a collision sport than a contact one, such confusion and difference in interpretation endangers more than just unpredictable results and frustrated players. When 8 lives are galloping past each other at 45 miles an hour in a comparatively confined space . And when, by design of handicap , it has an almost beginner on not so well schooled horse playing side by side the top players of the sport, any kind of confusion regarding right of way can lead to fatal accidents. Accidents which can be avoided by strict governing body with absolute clarity of thought. Equally disturbing prospect is to have lost and confused future generation of polo players who will have no idea of how a crystal clear frame of mind regarding rule feels like .
With such diverse interpretations of rules at highest level, polo will soon lose its credibility as an organised and competitive sport.Considering the damage this new trend is causing to the sport, it is time for all the think tanks of the Game of Kings to get together and address this issue with deserving seriousness. It is time that we run antivirus on the existing system and remove all the newly introduced patches which has caused confusion in otherwise time tested system.